I need to pull data from one sheet to another based on a value in a column. If it matches with an item from the column in sheet or tab number 2,...

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I need to pull data from one sheet to another based on a value in a column. If it matches with an item from the column in sheet or tab number 2, then I need to pull numerous specified items from that row and place it in the row of the original matching value in sheet tab number 1.

Here's what I have tried so far:
I have tried the Vlookup formulas, but I cant seem to figure out the multiples

Here's my brand/make/model:
Excel for Mac 2011

Last updated
Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp.com! My name is Charles and I will do my best to help you.

Before we get started, I want to remind you ExpertHelp.com is an independent professional support company. We do not have any affiliation with Excel nor are we paid to provide support on their behalf. However, we have helped hundreds of customers with similar questions and believe we can help you too.

I might need to request additional information from you to better understand how to help you. Please read my replies and respond to them as soon as you can so we can have this solved in no time. Hang tight while I prepare my next message.

Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

How to Extract Data from a Spreadsheet using VLOOKUP, MATCH and INDEX


When VLOOKUP finds the identifier that you specify in the source data, it can then find any cell in that row and return the information to you. Note that in the source data, the identifier must be in the first column of the table.

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The syntax of the VLOOKUP function is:

=VLOOKUP(lookup value, table range, column number, [true/false])

Here’s what these arguments mean:

Lookup value. The cell that has the unique identifier.
Table range. The range of cells that has the identifier in the first column, followed by the rest of the data in the other columns.
Column number. The number of the column that has the data you’re looking for. Don’t get that confused with the column’s letter. In the above illustration, the states are in column 4.
True/False. This argument is optional. True means that an approximate match is acceptable, and False means that only an exact match is acceptable.
We want to find sales amounts from the table in the illustration above, so we use these arguments:

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Define a Range Name to Create an Absolute Reference

In Vlookup example.xlsx, look at the Sales Amounts worksheet. We’ll enter the formula in B5, then use the AutoFill feature to copy the formula down the sheet. That means the table range in the formula has to be an absolute reference. A good way to do that is to define a name for the table range.

Defining a Range Name in Excel
Before entering the formula, go to the source data worksheet.
Select all the cells from A4 (header for the Order # column) down through H203. A quick way of doing it is to click A4, then press Ctrl-Shift-End (Command-Shift-End on the Mac).
Click inside the Name Box above column A (the Name Box now displays A4).
Type data, then press Enter.
You can now use the name data in the formula instead of $A$4:$H$203

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Defining a Range name in Google Sheets
In Google Sheets, defining a name is a little different.

Click the first column header of your source data, then press Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow (Command-Shift-Right Arrow on the Mac). That selects the row of column headers.
Press Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow (Command-Shift-Down Arrow on the Mac). That selects the actual data.
Click the Data menu, then select Named and protected ranges.
In the Name and protected ranges box on the right, type data, then click Done.

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Entering the Formula

To enter the formula, go to the Sales Amounts worksheet and click in B5.

Enter the formula:


Press Enter.

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The result should be 40. To fill in the values down the column, click back on B5, if necessary. Put the mouse pointer on the AutoFill dot in the cell’s lower-right corner, so the mouse pointer becomes a cross hair.

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Double-click to fill the values down the column.

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If you want, you can run the VLOOKUP function in the next few columns to extract other fields, like last name or state.

The syntax of the MATCH function is:

=MATCH(lookup value, table range, [match type])

The arguments are:

Lookup value. The cell that has the unique identifier.
Table range. The range of cells you’re searching.
Match type. Optional. It’s how you specify how close of a match you want, as follows:
Next highest value


Values must be in descending order.

Target value


Values can be in any order.

Next lowest value


Default type. Values must be in ascending order.

As with the VLOOKUP function, you’ll probably find the MATCH function easier to use if you apply a range name. Go to the Source Data sheet, select from B4 (column header for order #) to the bottom, click in the Name box above column A, and call it order_number. Note that the values are in ascending order.

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Go to the Match tab of the worksheet. In B5, enter the MATCH function:

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If you didn’t define a range name, you’d write the function as:

=MATCH(A5,'Source Data'!A5:A203,0)

Either way, you can see that this is in the 14th position (making it the 13th order).

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The syntax of the INDEX function is:

=INDEX(data range, row number, [column number])

The arguments are:

Data range. Just like the other two functions, this is the table of data.
Row number. The row number of the data, which is not necessarily the row of the worksheet. If the table range starts on row 10 of the sheet, then that’s row #1.
Column number. The column number of the data range. If the range starts on column E, that’s column #1.
Excel’s documentation will tell you that the column number argument is optional, but the row number is sort of optional, too. If the table range has only one row or one column, you don’t have to use the other argument.

Go to the Index sheet of the workbook and click in C6. We first want to find what’s contained in row 9, column 3 of the table. In the formula, we’ll use the range name that we created earlier.

Enter the formula:


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It returns a customer’s last name: Strevell. Change the values of A6 and B6, and the result in C6 will show different results (note that many rows have the same states and product names).


The ability of a worksheet to look at another worksheet and extract data is a great tool. This way, you can have one sheet that contains all the data you need for many purposes, then extract what you need for specific instances

Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

phone notes:

  • called cx 8:27pm EST
  • left message asking if he got my reply and if the reply resolved his question
Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

phone notes:

  • called cx 5:36pmEST
  • left message asking is problem was resolved

Thank you, I received your message and tried to call back. I am still having a difficult time pulling from one tab to another. I haven't been able to get it to work. Here is the formula I am trying to use. The two tabs are as follows

1) RJ Sanus - search identifying cell and cell that is looking for the data
2) Products-scrubbed - the tab that has the match in column A and the data to pull from the matching row from column 8.


This is the most recent one, I have tried all variations I can think of. I have had this formula work before but only when I have the columns in the first two rows of both tabs. In this case, I have multiple cels to fill from the same match. I can write the code numerous times, but I need to get at least one to work so I can get the recipe. Make sense?

Last updated
Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

I sorry Jason that my replies did not work.

I will try to get you to a higher level technician as soon as possible.

Mario V.
Microsoft Excel Tech


My name is Mario and I will do my best to help you. I might need to request additional information from you to better understand how to help you. Please read my replies and respond to them as soon as you can so we can have this solved in no time. Hang tight while I prepare my next message.

Mario V.
Microsoft Excel Tech

As it turns out, I am scheduled to go off-line now. I would really appreciate the opportunity to personally make sure you are satisfied with your answer and if it's OK with you, I'd like to continue our conversion at 3:00 AM CST / 9:00 AM BST. As an alternative, if you are really pressed for time, I'd request you contact customer support at s**t@experthelp.com so we can have another Expert take over where I left off now. Rest assured, we will ensure we do what it takes to resolve your issue.

Thank you for your understanding.

Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

I have Opted Out of this question.

Charles Totherow
Microsoft Excel Tech

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