I want all orders sent to kindle 3 how can I amke that happeb

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I want all orders sent to kindle 3 how can I amke that happeb

Last updated
Rofel Lantican
Amazon Device Expert


Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Rofel and I am here to help you resolve your issues. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might ask you to provide additional information if needed so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.

Rofel Lantican
Amazon Device Expert


Thanks for waiting. In order to send all the orders on your Kindle 3 you need to make sure that the Amazon account that you used to register your Kindle is the same as the Amazon account that you use to order the e-books, magazine, apps, etc.

If you have questions please let me know.



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