I already pay my subscription fee how can I connect

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I already pay my subscription fee how can I connect

Last updated
Mario V.

Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Mario, and I am here to help you resolve your issues. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might ask you to provide additional information if needed so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.

You will receive a notification email for every new message I post on the question page. When you receive that, please click on the link to come back to this page and read and respond to my most recent message.

Mario V.

Thank you for your patience. So that I could assist you, could you please tell me what service is this question related with and what do you want to connect to?

I will be waiting for your response.

Mario V.

As it turns out, I am scheduled to go off-line now. I would really appreciate the opportunity to personally make sure you are satisfied with your answer and if it's OK with you, I'd like to continue our conversation at 9:00 GMT. As an alternative, if you are really pressed for time, I'd request you contact customer support at s**t@experthelp.com so we can have another Expert take over where I left off now. Rest assured, we will ensure we do what it takes to resolve your issue.

Thank you.

Jenny Muralidharan
Customer Support

"i pay $17.00 for skype connection call to the philippines .I gave my card number then they email it is delivered but I cannot connect.what happened"

Comments received via Support Ticket#16710

Customer Support Team
ExpertHelp LLC

Mario V.


Do you receive error some message while trying to make a call? If not, please try to follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Skype.
  2. Click the call phones icon. The dial pad is displayed.

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  3. Enter the phone number (or click the numbers on the dial pad) and click the green call button.

  4. If you're calling abroad (eg. Philippines), enter the country code (for example, +1 for the United States), or click the flag above the dial pad and select a country from the list.

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If a contact has saved a phone number in their profile, or if you’ve added a number to a contact, then it’s easy to call them when they’re not on Skype. You can either find the contact in your contact list, or type their name using the dial pad:

  1. Click the Contacts tab, then find and click the contact you want to call. You’ll see their details in the main window. If they’re offline in Skype, or if they don’t have a Skype account, you’ll see a Call Home, Call Mobile or Call Office button (depending on which numbers are saved for that contact).
  2. Click the call button, or click the down arrow for more call options, and select a different number, such as Mobile for example.

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Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I will be waiting for your response.



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