I have a 1999- 250 HP Yamaha outboard motor at 4,000 RPM the motor dies as if it was out of gas

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I have a 1999- 250 HP Yamaha outboard motor at 4,000 RPM the motor dies as if it was out of gas

Last updated
Ramy De Jesus
Yamaha Tech

Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Ramy and I am here to help you. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might need to ask you additional information so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.
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Ramy De Jesus
Yamaha Tech


Thank you for choosing ExpertHelp LLC. May I know if there's repair been done with the Yamaha outboard? I'll be waiting for your response.


Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Yamaha Tech


Please check the list below the causes of the problem.

  • debris inside the vapor separator tank, called the VST. There is a fine screen on the bottom of the electric high-pressure fuel pump inside the VST that is probably restricted and won't allow enough fuel to pass through for higher power output.
  • Check the primer bulb on the fuel line.
  • Check the fuel-water spin-on canister and the small inline filter under the cowling.

This are the common cause of the problem. But mostly the problem is the VST. If ever this answer or resolved the issue, please don't forget to click on the GREEN ACCEPT BUTTON right below my response.


Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Yamaha Tech


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Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Yamaha Tech


I just want to follow up if the issue is already resolve. If yes, please don't forget to click on the GREEN ACCEPT BUTTON right below my first response. Thank you.


Ramy De Jesus

Customer Support

Ticket #23730

What about the gas pressure valve, how do I know is working?

Ramy De Jesus
Yamaha Tech

Thank you for your response. You will see a fine screen there and check if there is a debris or element blocking the fuel to pass through. I'll be waiting for your response.



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