Is someone available to assist with an Access problem?

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Is someone available to assist with an Access problem?

Last updated
Elixir Cada

Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Elix and I am here to help you. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might need to ask you additional information so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.

You can initiate a chat to me by accessing the chat box at the lower right corner of this page or by sending me a message by clicking the blue reply button on this page.

Elixir Cada

Hi Customer,

May I know what access problem are you referring on your question? Could you please provide me more information about the problem?

I'll wait for your response.

Elixir Cada

-cx want to build a database using microsoft access.
-informed cx that I am not familiar with the program and Im going to look for a different expert to answer his/her problem.
-cx agreed.

Mario V.


My name is Mario, and I have sent you an email containing a solution. Please check it and let me know what you think when you get back.

Thank you.

Last updated
Mario V.


I have checked the database and am writing you the answers:

  1. I am not completely sure of what you mean. When you change the Horse ID field in the Race Form, nothing is removed. But in order to save the change of the horse ID, you need to press the enter key or click any other element in the form. After doing that your new ID will be saved and change will be visible in the report.
  2. I don't know what do you mean by searching. Could you please clarify? The report contains all the horses information because I've done that according to your request.

If you want, we can work on this via a remote session together. I believe it would be much better and quicker.

Thank you.

Mario V.


Have you read my message?

Mario V.

Yes. If you want to move forward with remote support, I will need a temporary login in order to connect to your computer. You can delete this login after we are through. To proceed with the remote support option, please download and open TeamViewer and let me know your ID and password.

I will be waiting for your response.

Mario V.

Remote access summary:

  • accessed the customer's computer
  • reviewed the issues
  • discussed the requirements
  • customer is being promised the changes will be implemented

Revised database has been sent to the customer's email. Currently waiting for the customer's response.



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