My Samsung television is stuck on zip code set up screen.

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My Samsung television is stuck on zip code set up screen.

Last updated
Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert


Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Rofel and I am here to help you resolve your issues. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might ask you to provide additional information if needed so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.

You can start the conversation by using the CHAT option below.

Last updated
Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert


Thanks for waiting. May I know the exact model of your Samsung TV? The model number is usually located on the sticker at the back of your TV.

You can initiate a chat to me by accessing the chat box at the lower right corner of this page or by sending me a message by clicking the blue reply button on this page. I'll be waiting for your response.


Do you have an answer about how I reset the tv?

Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert

Thank you for accepting my answer. But I wish to ensure we work together to have your issue resolved. Please respond by using the blue 'Comment' button from right below your original question on this page.

Please turn off the TV and unplug it from the wall outlet for 2-3 minutes. Plug it back in and turn it back on. Check if you will be able to passed the zipcode setup screen.




It did not work to unplug and plug it back in. It went straight back to screen 7 (enter zip code)


Did you get my reply? It appears to be "hanging" in that there is a circle (like when a operating system is working) that loops and I cannot use the remote to get to a menu or anything.

Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert

Yes I was able to get your reply. Thanks for your response. Please follow this step.

  1. During Step 7 please disconnect the network. Wired network: Unplug the ethernet cable. Wireless network: Disconnect the power from the router if wireless. Please Do not power off the TV.

  2. The TV should skip past Step 7 after the network connection is terminated.
    Note: If the TV does not skip the step, please press INFO and MUTE. This will exit initial setup.

  3. Now please connect the TV to the network, we will check for software details.

Last updated

It worked! It skipped passed the step and I can watch tv

Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert

That's great. Please take note of the steps so that you can use it incase you will reset the TV and encounter the issue in the future.



Will do! Much appreciated!

Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert

If you encounter another issue in the future please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks for choosing ExpertHelp.



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