Comcast needs it to configure the new cable box controller I received. I couldn't find it in my Sony receiver manual. Thank you.

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Comcast needs it to configure the new cable box controller I received. I couldn't find it in my Sony receiver manual. Thank you.

Last updated
Ramy De Jesus
Sony Expert

Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Ramy and I am here to help you. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might need to ask you additional information so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.

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Ramy De Jesus
Sony Expert


Thank you for choosing ExpertHelp LLC. We want to inform you that we are ExpertHelp LLC, a premier independent provider of professional support services for a variety of professional fields. Although we are not the related to Sony or Comcast, we will be more than happy to offer you the most accurate and helpful guidance on how to handle this situation described in your question.

May I know if you received any error message? Please reply as soon as possible. I'll be waiting for your response.


Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Sony Expert


Have you read my message? I just want to know if you are referring for the code on your remote? I'll be waiting for your response.


Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Sony Expert


Please try this following codes, 31758 or 1758. Please advise me if this code works. I'll be standing by for your response.


Ramy De Jesus


I'm going to go to the TV now to try your codes - will take approx. 30 min

Ramy De Jesus
Sony Expert

Expert notes:

  • Live chat with the customer.
  • Provide the codes.
  • Customer try the codes.
  • Customer got Disconnected from the chat.

Please keep me posted if the code I provided work or not so I can provide you for solutions. Please click on the CHAT button below this page to star the chat session again. I'll be standing by.



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