Verify and correct Google listing

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Verify and correct Google listing

Last updated

Your Google+ page has been suspended
Your Google+ page has been suspended. Google+ Local pages must follow the Google My Business quality guidelines.

To appeal your suspension, please remove all content that violates our policies, and then submit your page for review. You can also ask for review if you believe we suspended your page in error.

Christian Morre
Google Expert

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Abe and I will be helping you with your question. I will use my expertise to offer you the most accurate and helpful solution to your problem.

To get started, I might need to request additional information from you in order to qualify the issue better. So, please read my replies and respond to them as soon as you can

Christian Morre
Google Expert

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Chris and I will be helping you with your question.
I will do my best to offer you the most accurate and helpful solution for your problem.

I might need some additional information from you to provide you the best solution.
So, please read my replies and respond to them as soon as you can so we can have this solved in no time.
Please wait a few minutes for my next message.

Christian Morre
Google Expert


I just want to let you know that we are ExpertHelp support. We may not be Google support, but we will make sure that we can provide the Answer needed.

Please provide specific details on your problem.

Christian Morre


Oh i thought you would assist and amend for me is ok to refund and cancel the support

Christian Morre
Google Expert


Have you received a confirmation from google?


No i only got the suspicious sign in email


They are on the website



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