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Expert Biography

I am the mother of six kids and self taught in graphic design which I love to do. I also have my associates degree in computer information web design. I love to help people fix computer problems and have been doing so for about five years mostly using teamviwer to take of their computers. I have also been doing peoples taxes for over five years and am working on getting IRS certified. My technical skills includes: - Advanced knowledge in Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 , Windows 8.1 - Advanced knowledge in Microsoft Office Applications and Word perfect office. - Advanced Knowledge in Malware and Virus Removal - Perform & assure proper installation, configuration, and maintenance of router, gateways, desktop computers & PC hardware as well as troubleshooting. - Provides computer consulting specializing in software/hardware problem resolution. - Advanced knowledge in web servers and web site set up. -Advanced knowledge in Photoshop, Paintshop, Dreamweaver and other Coral programs.