I like to get my texting history with one telephone number, I deleted most of the communications, but I would like to get them back please. how can...

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I like to get my texting history with one telephone number, I deleted most of the communications, but I would like to get them back please. how can I get them back the numers are ***-***-**** communicating with ***-***-**** back and forward. from Auguest 2015 to March 2016. if you can send that to my Em : a**[email protected]
Thank you

Last updated
Ramy De Jesus
WhatsApp Tech

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp.com! My name is Ramy De Jesus and I'm going to do everything in my power to answer your question to your full satisfaction!

Before we get started, I want to remind you ExpertHelp.com is an independent professional support company. We are not associated with WhatsApp nor are we paid to provide support on their behalf. However, we have helped hundreds of customers with similar questions and believe we can help you too. OK, let’s get started! :)

I’m available to chat now. Please let me know that you are ready by posting a response. I’ll leave my chat session open for the next 15 minutes or so and wait for your reply. If I don’t catch you this time, please respond with a few times (including your timezone) that work best for you and we can connect then.


Hello Ramy. Did you see my question? I need my texting history from and to my tel ***-***-**** to tel. ***-***-**** and  from August 2015 to March 2016

Ramy De Jesus
WhatsApp Tech

Hi! thank you for choosing ExpertHelp.com. This text message you are referring to is this a a regular txt or a whatsapp application chat? And what device are you using?


it was through whatsapp and Bell provider . my telephone is Samsung  Galaxy S III and from december2015  onward I am using Samsung S 6 Edge.

if possible to get the communication with ***-***-**** as well to ***-***-****


Ramy De Jesus
WhatsApp Tech

Thank you for your response. However, in the case that they are deleted or lost for any reason, WhatsApp cannot recover the messages because they do not store your WhatsApp chat history in their system. You can use third party software but this might work or not.


I deleted them at different times, but need them badly

Ramy De Jesus
WhatsApp Tech

I will try to escalate this this to my other colleague if they have any other means of recovering this messages. I have already escalated your question so that it will be taken care of another expert who can assist on WhatsApp issue. We appreciate your patience. You will be notified via email when a new Expert contacts you for continued support for your issue.


Thank you. waiting for your response.

Ramy De Jesus
WhatsApp Tech

I already inform other experts. You will be notified through your email once there is a new expert will assist you.

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp.com! My name is Charles Totherow and I'm going to do everything in my power to answer your question to your full satisfaction!

I’m available to chat now. Please let me know that you are ready by posting a response. I’ll leave my chat session open for the next 15 minutes or so and wait for your reply. If I don’t catch you this time, please respond with a few times (including your timezone) that work best for you and we can connect then.

Last updated
Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

The only way to recover deleted text from your phone that I found is to use recovery software from the link below.  Please click the link below to get the software.

whatsapp recovery link

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Please let me know if this helps.

Customer Support

4/26/16  Ticket #00057196

"Hello, yesterday I was not at my desk. I did not get the WhatsApp communications or pictures . WhatsApp is what I want to recover, specially
communications and pictures with two numbers  ***-***-**** and ***-***-**** to and from ***-***-**** . (8787 is my number) how can I save the download to my computer?"


I did not get the texting  and pictures from the two numbers I gave you ***-***-**** and ***-***-****   to my number ***-***-**** from 08/2015 to 02/2016.on WhatsApp. please. I already paid $47.00 us on the weekend




Are you going to help me?

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Yes I am here  

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

May I call you regarding htis question?

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Request #24069737 "text messages and pictures" created from whats app website

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

I submitted a request to whats app website requesting recovery of pictures and text messages for customer to be restored.  Advised customer this may take a few days


great, hope not too long. thank you

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

You are very welcome.  I forgot to mention I did all this via phone and remote access to your computer.


nothing yet

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Let's give it another day if that's ok


yes .tks

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Your very welcome.

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Please try this recovery software that I found.  Please click on the link and download for windows.

android recovery


great to get you to help me recover most of what I asked for, you paithently answered my questions and searhed for I wanted Charles and helped as much as the system could offer us. God bless you. Anwar

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

Dear Nour, It was a pleasure helping you with your WhatsApp issue today. Here is a summary of the resolution. 
Issue identified: Customer needed information restored from whats app application to his computer
Solution Implemented: I called and remotley accessed computer.  I had to manually go into phone and recover pictures instead of using recovery software.  I recovered all pictures from phone.  Problem solved
If issue resurfaces:  In next 30 days, come back to this Question page and let me know. If you are unable to find your way back to this Question page, please contact our customer support either by email (s**[email protected]) OR call us at ***-***-****


Charles: there was a record of tel. texting yesterday that probebly is lost now. there was 6 hrs of downloading and it is not on the computer now? it was downloaded by the Dr.??? package?

Charles Totherow
WhatsApp Tech

No sir I did not see it in the Dr. Wodershare recovery software at all.



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