Hi I need to speak to one of your reps. I can't his name but it was something Feloran or something

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Hi I need to speak to one of your reps. I can't his name but it was something Feloran or something

Last updated
Elixir Cada

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp.com! My name is Elixir Cada and I'm going to do everything in my power to answer your question to your full satisfaction!

Before we get started, I want to remind you ExpertHelp.com is an independent professional support company. We are not associated with nor are we paid to provide support on their behalf. However, we have helped hundreds of customers with similar questions and believe we can help you too. OK, let’s get started! :)

I’ll be giving you a call soon. If I don’t catch you this time, please reply with a few times (including your timezone) that work best for you and we can connect then.

Last updated
Elixir Cada
Elixir Cada

Dear Tom, It was a pleasure helping you with your Tech/facebook issue today. Here is a summary of the resolution.
Issue identified : cx want to delete an admin on their page but they cant see ithe person on their end when they access the page
Solution Implemented : called cx and accessed his computer. checked the admin roles and the person is not there as an admin. found out that the person instagram account is connected to the facebook business manager page and this is where you can hide the admin inside the business manager page. cx dont know the password of the person's instagram account. told cx to send a report to facebook admin pages and explain the situation and attached proof that they are the owner of the company. provided link to cx to report the issue to facebook admin pages. answer accepted. 
If issue resurfaces in next 30 days, come back to this Question page and let me know. If you are unable to find your way back to this Question page, please contact our customer support either by email (s**t@experthelp.com) OR call us at ***-***-****



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