Have lost the password for my SME-2220N Camera System

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Have lost the password for my SME-2220N Camera System

Last updated
Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

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Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Hi. may i know when was the last time you were able to use the camera system?


It has been several months sence I have needed to look at the back up tape

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Di you changed the password. The login credentials should be by default Login: ADMIN Password: 4321. Can you try this one.


I changed the password from 4321 a year ago but the new password does not work . Is there a way to reset back to the original password ?

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

please hold while i check on this...

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

inorder to reset the password is to perform a hard reset. See procedure below:

Do do a "hard reset" you have to have the remote, and press monitor>menu> 4>6 choose DVR then 14>16

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Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Press "Monitor" / "Menu" / "4" / "6" ...... you must do this fast. After password is reset, press "6" and "6" again to get out. Then poweroff / poweron the system and the password will be 4321


I tried your hard reset but it did not work. Is the 14 the # 10 button on the remote and then #4 or is it #1 then #4? Also are the buttons pushed one after the other are do you need to try holding the monitor,menu,4 & 6 down at the same time?

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

yes try holding the keys at the same time.


Sorry but I am NOT seeing any change on the screen and after power off and back on the password 4321 still does not work.

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Please try this one. To reset to factory: Press CH2 and ALARM buttons on the monitor(at the same time) for a few seconds.


There are NO CH2 or ALARM buttons on the Monitor.

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

This is SME-2220N. Right? please hold.

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Use the direction buttons then go to then select Factory default.


Yes it is a SME-2220N Camera System with a 500 Gig Hard Drive
The complete system is in the Monitor there it no seperate parts except the mouse. It has 8 inputs the first 4 are MiniDin Plugs and the last 4 are MiniDin or BNC.

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Use the direction buttons then go to SYSTEM then SYSTEM MANAGEMENT then select Factory default.


I can NOT get to those screens without the password which I DO NOT have. There are NO buttons on the monitor to push.


Thankyou but I will have to take the system back where I bought it and see what they can find out. If they can't fix it I will have to buy a new system.


Thanks For tring but I will have to take the system back where i bought it.

Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

The monitor>menu> 4>6 process should work. If this will not work then a new firmware might need to be installed in the system.

If this is a brand new system then i suggest that you take it back from the store where you purchased it and ask for replacement.

If the answer to your question was informative and helpful, I request to show your appreciation for my efforts by clicking the Green Accept Answer button right below my first response.


Elixir Cada
Samsung Expert

Hi Customer,

Any update on this?



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