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Steve Wiideman
I'm a search engine optimization and marketing consultant for mid -to-enterprise brands needing support for franchise, retail, and lead generation. Google "SEO Expert" to find my listing and client list.
As Google+ continues to become a layer on top of Google products, social behavior will grow to be an important signal in natural ranking. Combined with outstanding keyword-themed content, and new authoritative mentions over time, I believe any website can earn higher ranking and greater search result saturation.
I believe there are 4 layers of local search engine optimization, starting with data validation with the major databases used as trust points by the search engines. On-page SEO is the 2nd layer. If you offer a list of services, give each of them a page of their own with custom titles, descriptions, headings and content. If you serve numerous cities, mention those service areas on your website. Use microformat tags to provide precise data to spiders. The 3rd layer involves citations (name, address, and phone), links and visibility. Lastly, reviews and mobile-optimized user experience will be an important signal in 2012 and more so in 2013.
So you want to throw money at some PPC? I can guide you through the process of choosing an advertising vendor, designing the campaign architecture, selecting network and targeting strategies, as well as help with some ad-writing recommendations to improve CTR and lower cost-per-click amounts.
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