Hi there! I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am currently trying to develop a wap service/application...and I am currently using...

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Hi there! I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am currently trying to develop a wap service/application...and I am currently using ASP as part of my codes. My current task is to do a session login and logout, whereby if the user remains inactive longer than the specified time, then he/she will be kicked out, and will then be required to log in again. So far, I can pass my session info from one page to another. However, I am not sure how to set a time limit for the page to remain active/inactive. And I am not sure how to redirect it to another page once the session is regarded as "inactive"...how do I set this session logout? Please help if possible. Thanks a lot in advance. Regards, neena
Hi Neena, Firstly nice name. Reminds me of a friend. Anyway back to the question. From what I gather, you want to implement a session.timeout function. The default setting is set to 20mins however you can force this to be longer or shorter. I hope the function below I have written helps: if <% Session.Timeout = 35 %> then response.redirect="somewhere.asp" end if
Hi Ralph, Thanks for the tip on how to write the function...I have put that piece of ASP function into my code...but now another thing I'd like to inquire...how to terminate the session....coz even after putting the 'session.timeout', I am still able to pass my session fields. How is session.abandon related to this part? Thanks in advance. Regards, neena
Hi Neena, Welcome. That's the problem with session.timeout. Your session id still remains in memory until you actually physically close the browser. I'm not sure if you know the drawbacks of session variables. However there quite a few especially when it comes to what you are doing. Anyhow, back to session.abandon. It is more related to ending one's unique id number eg <%=Session.SessionID%>. You can end the sessionid by using the session.abandon call. What you do is add the following code in the pages that require the user to login. Add it after your include files <% check %> What this does is run the check.asp file everytime a person accesses the page. The check.asp file contains the function to check if the user is registered and you can also specify the session.abandon here. eg Session("username")="" session.abandon ="number of mins" I would recommend that you use cookies rather than session variables. I hope this helps. If you have another query, you can email me if you want at r**e@hotmail.com
Hi Neena, Welcome. That's the problem with session.timeout. Your session id still remains in memory until you actually physically close the browser. I'm not sure if you know the drawbacks of session variables. However there quite a few especially when it comes to what you are doing. Anyhow, back to session.abandon. It is more related to ending one's unique id number eg <%=Session.SessionID%>. You can end the sessionid by using the session.abandon call. What you do is add the following code in the pages that require the user to login. Add it after your include files <% check %> What this does is run the check.asp file everytime a person accesses the page. The check.asp file contains the function to check if the user is registered and you can also specify the session.abandon here. eg Session("username")="" session.abandon ="number of mins" I would recommend that you use cookies rather than session variables. I hope this helps. If you have another query, you can email me if you want at r**e@hotmail.com


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