About Us

Matthew Pomar, President, ExpertHelp LLC
Matthew Pomar

ExpertHelp is the fastest and most affordable way to connect to professionals such as Tax Advisors, Auto Mechanics, and Computer Technicians from anywhere and any time! You’ll save time and money by getting professional support on your schedule and selecting a level of service that best fits your budget and timeline.

We pre-screen hundreds of candidates and select only the brightest and most professional to become an ExpertHelp Expert. All Experts must complete a verification process and are monitored closely to ensure quality.

I created ExpertHelp out of my own frustration of looking for answers in all the wrong places. I would often post a question on a discussion forum looking for a quick answer. However, I was constantly disappointed because I couldn’t get an answer to my question when I needed it and if I did, it was either incomplete or just plain wrong. I knew there had to be a better way!

How It Works

ExpertHelp.com was created to provide fast and affordable help by verified professionals. Here’s how it works…

Ask A Question

Start by asking a question. Our Experts will be instantly notified and you could have one or more answers in a matter of minutes.

Choose Priority and Method

Our unique approach allows you to tell us what a fast and helpful answer is worth to you! In additional to picking your own priority, you can decide how you want your question answered. Choose between email, chat, and a phone call!

Receive An Answer

After you have submitted your question our Experts will go to work for you and contact you via the method you chose. Once you receive an answer, you can ask as many follow-up questions as you like.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are so sure you will be satisfied with your answer, that if you aren't, we will refund 100% of your payment. No hassles. No runarounds. No delays!

Ask A Question Now!

Matthew Pomar, President
ExpertHelp LLC
3308 Preston Road #350-386
Plano, TX 75093

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