I sold my house and just transferred $80,000 to my daughter. perhaps I made a mistake. Will I have to pay taxes on that gift. Thank you
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I sold my house and just transferred $80,000 to my daughter. perhaps I made a mistake. Will I have to pay taxes on that gift. Thank you
Welcome to ExpertHelp. My name is Barbara, and I will be happy to assist you.
You would not pay taxes on the $80,000 gift unless you have exceeded your lifetime gift cap of $11+ million.
Because the gift is more than $15,000, you will have a REPORTING requirement. You use Form 709 to report the gift.
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At most over the years I have given gifts of a few thousand dollars. Nothing like the 80,000 I gave my daughter. Your information is great news and relieves a burden on me thank you. Milford Fletcher
My pleasure!
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Ryan Parker, EA
Tax Preparer
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