May I cancel my payment for for 89.96
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May I cancel my payment for for 89.96
Hi, Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Abe, and I am here to assist you. Please wait while I check your question and prepare the answer for you. I might also ask you to provide additional information if needed so I could provide you with the correct answer. Thank you.
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Hi, are you wanting to just cancel your payment or also Cancel Account? You can respond to me by using the blue 'Reply' button from right below this message. Thank you.
Abe, Thanks for your assistance......dw
You're welcome. Please provide me with the additional information I have requested for on my last message so we could provide you with the correct information. You can respond to me by using the blue 'Reply' button from right below this message. Thank you.
Yes sir, I would like to cancel the payment and the account.
Thank you for verifying. To cancel your membership on, log in to your account and click the Account button. Find the Change/Cancel button and click that. You will then be asked to verify your password. Click the Continue Cancellation button and then the Cancel Subscription button to finalize the cancellation. services are billed in advanced for the selected period of time. When you cancel your subscription you will be able to use all PRO services until your current subscription has expired. When the expiration date passes, your account will be downgraded to the FREE version of
Information on service cancellation with is located at:
According to, there is no formal early termination fee when you cancel your account, but you will not be eligible for a refund when you cancel no matter how many months you’ve paid for in advance. You forfeit all monies paid when you cancel your subscription. also reserves the right to cancel your subscription at any time without telling you why they’ve cancelled your subscription and you will not be refunded for services paid.
There are customer service reports of refunding customers and other reports that will not refund a customer for anything. All plans are placed on an automated renewal so customers are charged for services until they choose to cancel – automatically. Many people sign up for six months and then forget about the charge and call for a refund after they’ve been charged to no avail.
If you have a problem with a charge you can attempt to contact customer service for a refund. You can contact them on the link that I have provided below:
I hope the information helps. Please do not forget to show your appreciation for my efforts by clicking the green Accept Answer button right below my first response above. Thank you.
Byron Narciso
PayPal Expert
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