Couldn't open connection to server. Attempted to restart several times.

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Couldn't open connection to server. Attempted to restart several times.

Last updated
Ramy De Jesus
Apple Certified Tech

Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Ramy and I am here to help you. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might need to ask you additional information so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.
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Last updated
Ramy De Jesus
Apple Certified Tech


Thank you for choosing ExpertHelp LLC. May I know the exact error you received? You can initiate a chat right below this page. I'll be waiting for your response.


Ramy De Jesus


I am Ready for your comment

Ramy De Jesus
Apple Certified Tech


May I know if this is the first time the device will connect to your router?


Ramy De Jesus


Was using ASUS Memo Pad whilst on vacation in U.k. a few days ago - had previously been working very well for some ten days in various places. Then with no obvious reason any attempt to get additional emails produced the message : "couldn't open connection to server"

Any other attempt to use since returning home has produced the same result produced the message: "Web page may have moved permanently to a new web address"

Ramy De Jesus
Apple Certified Tech


Please try this steps provided below.

  1. First go to Settings.
  2. Slide the Wi-Fi switch to ON. When enabled, your MeMO Pad scans for available Wi-Fi networks.
  3. Tap a network name to connect to it. If the network is secured or protected, you are prompted to key in a password or key in other credentials.
  4. Then you will see connected then try to browse the internet.

Please advise me if this steps resolve your issue.


Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Apple Certified Tech


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Ramy De Jesus

Ramy De Jesus
Apple Certified Tech


If I were able to provide you a helpful and informative answer, I request to show your appreciation for my efforts by clicking the Green Accept Answer button below my first response at the top of this page.


Ramy De Jesus



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