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When I initially tried to post this question, the screen hung up while trying to pay. Can you verify that I am not resubmitting this question for me?

Now for the question, I need answered. I would like to get this asap.

Here is the link to my problem I have posted on StackOverflow.
Can you give me the code required to retrieve an attrvalue? I would like to specify the attrname.

Last updated
Reena Therese

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Reena Therese

Hi customer,

Have you tried using a forif with this? Also what information are you specifically trying to retrieve?


I have tried a few things. to no avail. What I would like to do is get the ID , which lies inside 'leadRecord'. This I am able to do. i use this code.

$leadId = $checkLead->result->leadRecordList->leadRecord->Id;

But when I try to retrieve a record's first name value, I am unable to get it. this is what I was using.

$firstname = $checkLead->leadAttributeList->attribute[0]->attrValue;

I have also been playing with this code, just to get it to spit out all values in the arrays.

$myArray = (array)$checkLead;

echo 'What have we here? '.var_export($myArray, true);

foreach($myArray as $row => $innerArray){
foreach($innerArray as $innerRow => $innerinnerArray){
foreach($innerinnerArray as $innerinnerRow => $value){
echo $value . "

as you see on the link I provided, I could recieve 1 or many records. I need to verify I have the right one. I will know based on user input their first and last name. So, I would like to iterate through the leadRecords and say 'if the input values match the array values,give me the ID of the lead and any other attribute values I ask for.' For example, their could be an attribute called 'phone number'. I would like to be able to retrieve that.

Does that explain it better?

Reena Therese

You can try to modify the code provided below, see if that will somehow help.


I have tried this

$checkLead = $marketoclient->getLead('EMAIL', $marketoArray['Email']);
r ($checkLead);

foreach ($checkLead->Results->LeadRecordList->LeadRecordList as $LeadRecord){

if($Attribute->attrName == 'FirstName')
echo 'The value is: ' . $attrName->attrValue;

this is the error message I get

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

It is occurring on the line "foreach....."

How do I fix that?

Reena Therese

This is the basic code for the for if, it seems that it is having a problem passing the code into the array.

if (is_array($variable)) {  foreach ($variable as $item) {/do something}}

You can also press the {} button on the edit screen so that it will help you to format or change the code we are missing.


I don't want to sound completely helpless, but you are going to have to be a little bit more clear on that last suggestion. I kind of understand what you are saying...do I place your original suggestion in between the brackets that have /do something in them? And replace $variable with $checkLead?


do you have a status update?


I really need a solution tonight. Do I need to get a refund and see if somebody else can help?

Reena Therese

Sorry for the late reply. Yes please try to replace the $variable with $checkLead.
I would like to give a reference code that I found as well that might help you with this. I also located it in stackoverflow.


Reena Therese

Hope this helps you in solving the issue. If the solution provided you information on how to fix/resolve/identify the problem, I request to show your appreciation for my efforts by clicking the Green ACCEPT ANSWER button right below my first response.


I have seen that link. tried to implement it, but it wasn't working. I tried your previous suggestion, and it didn't even echo the string.

Here is what I did

$checkLead = $marketoclient->getLead('EMAIL', $marketoArray['Email']);
r ($checkLead);

if (is_array($checkLead))
{ foreach ($variable as $item) {
foreach ($checkLead->Results->LeadRecordList->LeadRecordList as $LeadRecord){

if($Attribute->attrName == 'FirstName')
echo 'The value is: ' . $attrName->attrValue;


I would like to clarify my expectations when I paid for your company's services. I am asking for specific code to accomplish my goal. I have done hours of research up to seeking this help. Can you give me specific code that I can plug in and test? I am not trying to sound rude, but I don't have the time to get "tips or suggestions". I am working on multiple things right now. I will be happy to try your code suggestions.

Can you deliver on this? I understand if it there was misunderstanding, and if you would rather decline the job and transfer me to somebody else.

Again, I don't want to sound rude, text can come off that way.

Reena Therese

$checkLead = $marketoclient->getLead('EMAIL', $marketoArray['Email']);
//printr ($checkLead);
if (is_array($checkLead))
{ foreach ($Attribute as $attrName) {
foreach ($checkLead->Results->LeadRecordList->LeadRecordList as $LeadRecord){
if($Attribute->attrName == 'FirstName')
echo 'The value is: ' . $attrName->attrValue;


That doesn't give an error, but it doesn't work either. The echo doesn't even print out. I pasted an echo inside the if(is_array($checkLead)).

It didn't print that echo either. So, I did try something before that I thought might work.

$myArray = (array)$checkLead;

then I updated the code to reflect the new array name

here is the code.

$checkLead = $marketoclient->getLead('EMAIL', $marketoArray['Email']);
//printr ($checkLead);
$myArray = (array)$checkLead;
if (is
{ echo "it is an array";
foreach ($Attribute as $attrName) {
foreach ($myArray->Results->LeadRecordList->LeadRecordList as $LeadRecord){
if($Attribute->attrName == 'FirstName')
echo 'The value is: ' . $attrName->attrValue;

It gave this error message.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

on this line

foreach ($Attribute as $attrName) {

Am I going down the right path? If so, how do I fix the error? Or do you have another idea?



Reena Therese

What if you try to remove one of he foreach.

$checkLead = $marketoclient->getLead('EMAIL', $marketoArray['Email']);
//printr ($checkLead);
$myArray = (array)$checkLead;
if (isarray($myArray))
{ echo "it is an array";
foreach ($myArray->Results->LeadRecordList->LeadRecordList as $LeadRecord){
if($Attribute->attrName == 'FirstName')
echo 'The value is: ' . $attrName->attrValue;

Reena Therese

By the way if you would like to refund with us you can send an email to s**t@experthelp.com and it will be responded by our team within 12-24hrs.

We can also try this one out if ever:

$myArray = attrName::findbysql($sql); // returns an array
$attrName = $myArray[0]; // assign first element in array to attrName
$myArray = $attrName->attrValue;

Reena Therese

By the way if you would like to refund with us you can send an email to s**t@experthelp.com and it will be responded by our team within 12-24hrs.

We can also try this one out if ever:

$myArray = attrName::findbysql($sql); // returns an array
$attrName = $myArray[0]; // assign first element in array to attrName
$myArray = $attrName->attrValue;

Reena Therese

Hope this helps you in solving the issue. If the solution provided you information on how to fix/resolve/identify the problem, I request to show your appreciation for my efforts by clicking the Green ACCEPT ANSWER button right below my first response.

Andres Olvera

Hello, my name is Andres. I will be taking over your question to try and get to a solution to your problem.

I read your question in StackOverflow and I already posted an answer. Here's the code I proposed there:

$lastname = '';

$leadRecord = $checkLead->result->leadRecordList->leadRecord;
if ( $checkLead->result->count > 1 ) {
    foreach ( $leadRecord as $leadRecordItem ) {
        foreach ( $leadRecordItem->leadAttributeList as $attributes ) {
            $found = false;
            $temp_lastname = '';
            foreach( $attributes as $attr ) {
                if( $attr->attrName == 'LastName' ) {
                    $temp_lastname = $attr->attrValue;
                if ( $attr->attrName == 'FirstName' && $attr->attrValue == 'JJ' ) {
                    $found = true;
            if ( $found ) {
                $lastname = $temp_lastname;
else {
    foreach ( $leadRecord->leadAttributeList as $attributes ) {
        $found = false;
        $temp_lastname = '';
        foreach( $attributes as $attr ) {
            if($attr->attrName == 'LastName') {
                $temp_lastname = $attr->attrValue;
            if($attr->attrName == 'FirstName' && $attr->attrValue == 'JJ') {
                $found = true;
        if($found) {
            $lastname = $temp_lastname;

echo $lastname;

If you feel my answer has helped you get to a solution to your problem, please consider showing your appreciation by clicking the green Accept Answer button right below my response.

Last updated


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