This message appeared while on vacation and may have been accessed by someone else while I was also on my computer at the airport using my WiFi...

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This message appeared while on vacation and may have been accessed by someone else while I was also on my computer at the airport using my WiFi connection. I know my passcode.... it has not changed....but now when I connect to iTunes I get the message "iTunes could not connect to the iPad because it is locked with a passcode. You must enter your passcode on the iPad before it can be used with iTunes." I have tried to reboot and reset my iPad. My iPad is backup on the iCloud. Please help.

Last updated
Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech


Thank you for contacting us. My name is Rofel and I am here to help you resolve your issues. I need a few minutes to prepare my customized answer. I will be right back. Appreciate your patience.

Last updated
Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech


Any update?



Sorry for the delay. Had company this afternoon and have now had a chance to read your response. Will try what you have indicated above now and will get back to you.

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

I understand. Please let me know what happen.

I'll be waiting for your response.

If I were able to assist you with your concern please click on the Green Accept Answer button below my first response. Let me know if otherwise, so we can continue troubleshooting.


Above the Summary Tab it now says Verifying iPad restore with Apple. Is this ok.

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

It is okay it means that it is on the process of recovery.

alt text

It will take sometime and after that you will see the progress. Please don't disconnect the iPad on your computer until the recovery process is done.

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

Thanks for accepting my answer. If you encounter another issue in the future don't hesitate to contact us.


ok. The two additional screens that you are showing are not showing on my computer. Only iPad and beside that it is showing iPad Recovery Mode - iTunes is preparing to restore the software on this iPad. The name, capacity, software version and serial number that was there before this fiasco, is not there now. Do I have to worry about this.

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

No need to worry. It is normal. The information will appear again once the recovery is done.



ok thanks. Do you know how long this recovery process takes. My concern is that if my computer is idle (i.e. I am not on it for a period of time), it goes in sleep mode and\or shuts down.

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

You will see the progress bar at the top of the screen right? It usually takes around 30 minutes or less depends on the size of your iPad.


The progress bar is still scrolling. Nothing about time remaining. My iPad is 64G with WiFi + Cellular.

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

Do you need to go? I can watch you computer while the iPad is on the process of recovery. We cant cancel it because the iOS might get corrupted.

I believe I can help you with this issue. I can either walk you through the steps or we offer remote support option at no additional charge. I believe I can help you much more quickly with our remote support option. If you want to move forward with remote support, I will need a temporary login in order to fix your issue. You can delete this login after we are through."

Will you allow me to remotely access your computer?


I see no problem with you accessing my computer. We have just returned from vacation and I have a lot of work to catch up on at home before I return to work tomorrow that requires my being away from the computer for long periods of time. I do not know how I can assign you a temporary login or do you do this automatically when you are doing remote support service.


How do I now get my last backup on iCloud from two weeks ago?

Rofel Lantican
Apple Certified Tech

Issue Resolved. Remotely access the computer. Helped the customer to restore the iPad to factory state and restore the iCloud backup.



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