I signed up for the 7 day trial well over a week ago and now I don’t have it

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I signed up for the 7 day trial well over a week ago and now I don’t have it

Last updated
Ferdinand Aquino
YouTube Tech

Hello and welcome to ExpertHelp.com! My name is Ferdinand Aquino and I'm going to do everything in my power to answer your question to your full satisfaction!

Before we get started, I want to remind you ExpertHelp.com is an independent professional support company. We are not associated with Google nor are we paid to provide support on their behalf. However, we have helped hundreds of customers with similar questions and believe we can help you too. OK, let’s get started! :)

I’m available to chat now. Please let me know that you are ready by posting a response. I’ll leave my chat session open for the next 15 minutes or so and wait for your reply. If I don’t catch you this time, please respond with a few times (including your timezone) that work best for you and we can connect then.

Last updated
Ferdinand Aquino
YouTube Tech

Hi Nick,

Thank you for waiting!

May I ask what service or feature are you referring to?

Ferdinand Aquino
YouTube Tech

Dear Nick, It was a pleasure helping you with your Google (Youtube) issue today. Here is a summary of the resolution.
Issue identified :

Missing YoutubeTV app

Solution Implemented :

Call customer and assisted on how to get the app back.

It is still installed in his TV

Assisted in going to the apps section and launched it.

Made the icon on the Recommended for him to access Easily

Issue resolved

If issue resurfaces in next 30 days, come back to this Question page and let me know. If you are unable to find your way back to this Question page or if you have billing questions, please contact our customer support either by email (s**[email protected]) OR call us at ***-***-****



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