My tablet is receiving a message saying "Unfortunately DMClient has stopped working. How can I fix that?

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My tablet is receiving a message saying "Unfortunately DMClient has stopped working. How can I fix that?

Last updated
Rofel Lantican


Thank you for contacting ExpertHelp LLC. My name is Rofel and I am here to help you resolve your issues. Please wait while I prepare my answer for you. I might ask you to provide additional information if needed so I could provide you the steps that will resolve this issue. Appreciate your patience.

Last updated
Rofel Lantican


Thanks for waiting. In order for me to help you resolve this. I need you to provide the exact model of your Tablet.

If you need assistance on locating the model number of your device please let me know. I'm here to help.


I don't know where to find the model number.


I think I found it.

Model # TF101
Android version 4.0.3

Rofel Lantican

Thanks for your response. This is an Asus Transformer TF101

Please follow these steps and let me know what happen.

On your Tablet:

  • Go Settings

  • Select Apps

  • Select All Tab

  • Scroll down and look for DMClient

  • Tap Clear Data > Ok

  • Tap Force Stop

  • Turn off the tablet, then turn it back on

  • Check if the issue is fixed.

Rofel Lantican


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I haven't received a response even though the website says it has been answered.

Rofel Lantican


Please refresh your browser by pressing F5 on your keyboard to view my new comment or If you have provided us with your email address while submitting this question, you will receive emails from s**, to notify you of when I have posted a new message for you on this page. You can then simply follow the link for your question included in that email to get back to this same page, read and respond to me using the blue 'Comment' or the 'Reply' button.

If you have not shared your email address with us, do not worry. You can always save this link or bookmark this page.

Please try the steps I have just listed and let me know how they worked for you.



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