we have frequent power outages due to the wooded area we live in. we keep getting an error code when the power comes back on. there is nothing in...

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we have frequent power outages due to the wooded area we live in. we keep getting an error code when the power comes back on. there is nothing in the manual about what to do when you have the code (S E). I called for service and was told that there is a magic trick, putting your fingers on the display in the upper right and left sides of the display and the display will restart. I feel that the refrigerator should restart the display automatically when there is a power outage. I think some thing is wrong with the unit. both the main board in the rear and the display panel in the front have been replaced and the problem persists, and the repair man feels he has been here twice and should not have to come again. you get the error code until the two finger touch has been done to the display panel. I went to the nearest Lowes store and asked them to plug in and unplug a similar Samsung refrigerator several times with a plus one minute interval between plug ins and each time the refrigerator was plugged in, it did a visual check on the display and then showed a normal screen on the display. I feel that something is not right, the repair individual feels that it is normal to see the error code after a power outage, and that the display should be manually reset each time.

Last updated
Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert


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Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert


In order for me to help you resolve this. I need you to provide the exact model of your fridge.

If you need assistance on locating the model number of your device please let me know. I'm here to help. Thanks

Rofel Lantican
Samsung Expert


Were you able to read my previous post/comment?

It is a known issue that Samsung Fridge are getting SE or 5E error codes after a power outage.

5E or SE error appears when you have a shorted touchpad and the solution for this is to to put your fingers on the upper right and left sides of the display and the display will restart.

The reason why you are getting this is because when the power is restored there are events where voltages increase for a few seconds (power surge). It is recommended that if you have a power outage you should unplug the power cable of your fridge to avoid damage.

Let me know if this helps. If were able to provide you a helpful and informative answer, I request to show your appreciation for my efforts by clicking the Green Accept Answer button right below my first response



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